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Amista Vineyards

Sparkling Moments in Wine

I have been asked lots of questions about owning a winery after spending so many years in the corporate world. Here are some of the stories of my journey into wine that have added sparkling moments to my life.

Vicky Farrow
October 17, 2024 | Vicky Farrow

Panic to Partnership: The Story of Launching Amista

Learning the Significance of Relationships and Community…

George Christie Managing First Amista Video
George Christie (right) managing the first Amista video

…in the world of wine.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, I'm excited to share a series of short weekly posts that take you behind the scenes, revealing memorable moments that have shaped our journey at Amista Vineyards.

A Chance Meeting

In early 2004, I found myself in a panic. We had two harvests' worth of wine aging in barrels, and it was time to think about bottling. But my late husband Mike and I were clueless about where to begin. We needed bottles, corks, capsules, and labels, but had no idea how to procure them.

That’s when I met George.

I attended a meeting of the Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley, a local trade organization for our region's growers and wineries. George, the president of the board, was giving an update. His presence and insights immediately impressed me. After the meeting, I introduced myself and discovered that he was also the general manager of a local winery.

I shared our story—that Mike and I were launching Amista, a new winery in Dry Creek Valley. I also happened to mention that my day job was as an executive coach and leadership consultant. George replied, “I could use an executive coach.” A lightbulb went off in my head.

How About a Trade?

“What would you think about a trade?” I suggested. “You help us navigate the complexities of starting a winery, and I’ll be your executive coach.” He agreed on the spot.

George jumped into action immediately, which I would come to learn is just his way. He guided us on where to buy glass (the industry term for bottles), and connected us with suppliers for corks and capsules, and a printer for our labels. Little did he know that what he was doing for us would later evolve into his own sophisticated business venture.

Meanwhile, I kicked off our coaching partnership by conducting a 360-feedback process. This involves gathering anonymous feedback from an executive’s colleagues to identify areas for growth. The results shaped George’s development plan, which became the foundation of our coaching sessions.

From Panic to Partnership

Over the next several months, George provided invaluable advice. He helped us strategize the sale of grapes we didn’t plan to use for Amista and decide whether to replant some struggling Chardonnay vines. He advised on choosing a location for our winery, obtaining a use permit from the county, and even launching tasting parties to introduce our first wines. He also connected us with our first consulting winemaker and a wine broker and managed our first video shoot (pictured  above).

With George’s guidance, we progressed from brainstorming on yellow legal pads in our living room to using spreadsheets to manage production planning. He stood by us through the grueling process of securing our use permit and brainstorming creative ways to market our wine without a tasting room. Once we received the permit, he helped us design and outfit the tasting room and even hired and trained our first team.

Harvest Celebration - A Memorable Weekend of Learning and Friendship

George Christie Explaining When to Harvest Grapes to Amista Vintage Partners
George Christie (center) explaining how to decide when to harvest wine grapes

One of our most memorable experiences was our Harvest Celebration, a weekend-long event we created for friends who had invested in our first vintage. The festivities included a wine reception, vineyard workshop, barrel tastings, and a magical dinner under the harvest moon. George played a key role in designing the weekend, teaching our guests how to determine the perfect time to harvest grapes, and answering their many questions. This event not only celebrated our new venture but also deepened the bonds within our community of supporters.

The Wine World is All About Connections

We’ve had many people support us over our 20 years since launching Amista, but George Christie was one of the most pivotal. Today, he is known as the founder and CEO of Wine Industry Network, a leading resource for wine business services, events, connections, and education. We are incredibly fortunate and grateful to have experienced George’s expertise, passion, and vision during our early days.

What we got was a sneak peek of the incredible work he does today: bridging the gap between producers and suppliers, championing the wine industry, and educating others on the latest trends and innovations. Our journey wouldn’t have been the same without him.

Still Thirsty?

What is Wine Industry Network?

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

Vicky Farrow
October 10, 2024 | Vicky Farrow

The Unforgettable Joy of Our Garage Syrah Bottling Party

A Special Memory of Togetherness…

Come Over October Amista Vineyards Garage Syrah Bottling Party

…to celebrate “Come over October.”

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, I'm excited to share a series of short weekly posts that take you behind the scenes, revealing memorable moments that have shaped our journey at Amista Vineyards.

This October, we’re raising a glass to the incredible role wine has played throughout history in bringing people together and creating cherished memories. As part of “Come Over October,” we’re joining others around the world in toasting to the joy of togetherness.

For me, one of the most unforgettable examples of this spirit of community took place in December 2003, when we bottled our very first “Garage Syrah.” My late husband Mike had harvested three tons of Syrah grapes in 2002—an amount I thought was enormous at the time—and we needed help to get it all into bottles. So, we turned it into a bottling party, inviting a dozen friends and family members, many of whom had already invested in futures of our first official Amista Syrah, harvested just a few months earlier in 2003.

That day was special in so many ways. It wasn’t just about bottling wine—it was about friends coming together, working as a team, and sharing in the joy of a shared accomplishment. We bottled 100 cases of wine in record time, with lots of laughter and new friendships made along the way.

The weather that day wasn’t ideal—drizzly, gray, and chilly—so we moved our operations into the garage. But despite the gloom outside, the mood inside was anything but! There was an electric energy in the air as we worked together on a job that most of us had never done before. Friends came from throughout the Bay Area, and even a couple from Chicago. My parents drove all the way from Arizona to join in the fun. Out of the group, only two people had experience bottling wine, and they were convinced it would take us all day—if we finished at all! To their surprise, we knocked it out in just one and a half hours.

Sipping and Laughter Garage Syrah Bottling Amista Vineyards

Rainy Day Garage Syrah Bottling Party Amista Vineyards

It was amazing to watch this group of near strangers seamlessly divide tasks and work together like a well-oiled machine. And, of course, a little 'product testing' and plenty of laughter only helped speed things along! When we finished, everyone headed home or to their hotels to clean up, since we were all sticky with grape juice. Then we reconvened on our back deck, overlooking the soggy vineyards, and raised a glass of the wine we had just bottled.

Dinner Garage Syrah Bottling Party Amista Vineyards

Later, we gathered around a long, candlelit table for a dinner that Mike and I had prepared to relive the day’s best moments. There was much laughter and camaraderie as everyone got to know each other better.

Then, like a spontaneous flash mob, one of our guests stood up and began performing the hilarious story of Rindercella, a spoonerism that had us all in stitches. I had never heard anything like it before, and what made it even more special was that the storyteller—and Mike—were laughing so hard they could barely get through it! When he finally finished, we erupted into applause and raised our glasses in a big toast.

Rindercella Garage Syrah Bottling Party Amista Vineyards

Mike in Stitches Garage Syrah Bottling Party Amista Vineyards

To thank everyone, we invited them to pack their cars full of cases of the wine we had just bottled. Years later, one of our guests surprised me with a bottle of that very same 2002 Garage Syrah. It’s a lasting reminder of a day filled with friendship, laughter, and the magic of coming together over wine.

We invite you to make some memories and taste with us at Amista.


Still Thirsty?

What is Come Over October?

Join us for Come Over October Celebrations at Amista

Ideas for Your Own Come Over October from Wine Roads

If you’ve never heard it, here is a rendition of Rindercella on YouTube.

How (and Why) to Buy Wine Futures


Vicky Farrow
October 3, 2024 | Vicky Farrow

Come Over October at Amista

Sharing Wine and Friendship…

Come Over October Amista Vineyards Tuscan Connections.

…and memorable wine stories from before we launched Amista.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, I'm excited to share a series of short weekly posts that take you behind the scenes, revealing memorable moments that have shaped our journey at Amista Vineyards.

From the very beginning of our wine journey, we understood the importance of friendships. After much thought and searching for the perfect name, we discovered the word Amista, which in Spanish means “it makes friends.” From that moment, we knew it was the ideal name for our winery.

So, when we first heard about "Come Over October," a celebration of togetherness, we were eager to participate. My late husband Mike and I have always believed that wine is more than just a drink; it’s woven into the fabric of life, enriching moments shared with friends, family, and good food. Wine, to us, represents connections, memories, and the joy of coming together.

This month at Amista, we’ve planned several exciting ways to honor "Come Over October," but today I want to share some of my most cherished memories — times when sharing wine also meant sharing meaningful experiences: connection, inspiration, joy, and community.

Over the past 20 years since we founded Amista, I’ve collected countless memories. However, some of my favorite moments tied to wine and connection go back even further. Here are five stories that are especially dear to me.

When I Knew Mike Was the One

More than 40 years ago, Mike and I had our first dinner date at a cozy restaurant in Boulder, Colorado. After dinner, we were sipping red wine and getting to know each other better. I was either nervous or gesturing too much — probably both — and managed to spill a whole glass of red wine on the pristine white tablecloth. Mike remained calm, flagged down the waiter to clean up, and returned his focus to me, completely unbothered. It was a small moment, but it told me so much about his character. I knew he was the one.

Inspiration in the Hot Tub

I became close friends with Meg, a colleague from my days at a tech company in Colorado. We often collaborated on workshops for managers, and while we had different approaches — I liked to start with goals, and she preferred to dive into activities — we became a powerful team. Some of our best ideas were born while soaking in her hot tub, brainstorming over glasses of wine. It was the perfect mix of relaxation and creativity.

“No Stars, Who Cares” in Tuscany

Meg, her husband Dale, Mike, and I eventually became travel companions, and one of our most memorable trips was to Tuscany, where we stayed at a rustic agriturismo called Podere Terreno. Each evening, we gathered with fellow guests at a long communal table (pictured above) to share a simple meal paired with wine made by the owner, Roberto. What made these dinners unforgettable was the mix of people and languages. Roberto’s wife, Sylvie, spoke with guests in Italian, French, and German, while Roberto conversed with those speaking Italian, English, and Spanish. It didn’t matter what language we spoke; the wine, food, and shared stories connected us. Roberto’s food was humble, his wine unpretentious, but his hospitality was unmatched. He loved to say, “No stars, who cares?” — a sentiment that captured the true magic of those evenings.

A Hot Tub Vision

In 1985, Mike and I moved from Colorado to Silicon Valley and were shocked by how close together the houses were. Longing for more space and privacy, we retreated to our hot tub one evening with a glass of wine and imagined our dream home. We didn’t focus on the number of bedrooms or baths; instead, we envisioned a place where our neighbors couldn’t see in our windows and where we didn’t mind if things were a little “dated.” The vision was so clear that our realtor only needed to show us two homes before we knew which one was ours. Little did we know that this property would one day host our first small vineyard, where Mike would make his first batch of wine in the garage. That moment in the hot tub set the course for a dream that would eventually become Amista Vineyards.

A Friendship Sealed with a Bottle of Mike’s First Wine

Maureen and Art Visit Amista Vineyards

After Mike made his first garage wine — a Cabernet Sauvignon — we moved to New Jersey, bringing the barrel of wine along with us safely packed in the moving van. It spent two years aging in our basement. One night, we bottled some of it and shared it with our new friends, Maureen and Art (pictured above), over dinner. It was amazing how that single bottle sparked so many stories, questions and laughter. It became a catalyst for a deep friendship that has endured through time and distance. Even though Mike and Art have since passed, Maureen remains one of Amista’s biggest fans and a cherished friend.

These memories remind me of the true essence of wine — it brings people together, fosters connection, and creates lasting bonds. This "Come Over October," we raise our glasses not just to wine, but to the friendships and moments that make life richer.


Still Thirsty?

What is Come Over October?

Join us for Come Over October Celebrations at Amista

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